Vision & Stratégie

"Penser globale, agir national", telle est la ligne conductrice qui portera toute la politique et les actions de l’Université.


Formations & Métiers

L’employabilité de nos étudiants devient nos préoccupations. Les offres de formation sont accréditées aux besoins de la société.


Recherche & Développement

Les Écoles Doctorales et les laboratoires encadrent des doctorants et de chercheurs aptes à la création d’emploi



 In order to create new interconnected spaces dedicated to the reinforcement of employability, professional insertion and entrepreneurship, the Francophone Employability Center has been set up by the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie and its partners. This center aims to respond to a real need expressed by students and various stakeholders from member universities and the highest academic and political authorities during the global consultation conducted by the AUF in 2020.

These centers are designed according to international standards and reinforce existing mechanisms for professional integration. The services offered are centered around four main poles and all tend to improve the operational skills of young people. In general, students can obtain advice and information on academic paths that match their profiles. They can also meet employers or learn about the different job offers or internships available and benefit from coaching and tutoring in their job search.

In addition, students can train and improve their transversal skills through seminars, conferences and other activities led by professionals. The center also provides access to professional certifications in languages, computer science, project management and other specific disciplines. Concerning the entrepreneurial aspect, students with projects will be able to develop their projects. Indeed, the CEF will accompany them from the generation of ideas to the identification of funding sources and negotiation with potential investors.

These centers can operate thanks to the contribution of the State, the institutions that host them, teachers, employers and students. Moreover, the CEF of Antananarivo inaugurated on February 24, 2022 is the result of a close collaboration between the AUF, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MESRS) and the University of Antananarivo. 


Bénéficiez du module
d'Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle

Choisir une formation qui vous convient, c'est penser déjà à votre carrière envisagé. Notre module d'orientation vous expose un test d'orientation, une liste de 1100 métiers, et une liste de 250 formations

S'informer pour apprendre

Le personnel enseignant, administratif et technique est disponible pour vous offrir les meilleurs conseils d'orientation

Se spécialiser

Le savoir est offert par l'Université. Le savoir faire s'acquiert par l'expérience. Le savoir être dépend de votre personnalité.

Rechercher une formation

Rechercher un métier

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