"Penser globale, agir national", telle est la ligne conductrice qui portera toute la politique et les actions de l’Université.
L’employabilité de nos étudiants devient nos préoccupations. Les offres de formation sont accréditées aux besoins de la société.
Les Écoles Doctorales et les laboratoires encadrent des doctorants et de chercheurs aptes à la création d’emploi
Task |
Réponder aux questions des utilisateurs concernant les logiciels ou l'exploitation du matériel afin de résoudre les problèmes. |
Entrer les commandes et observer le fonctionnement du système pour vérifier les opérations correctes et détecter les erreurs. |
Installer et effectuer des réparations mineures au matériel, au logiciel ou à l'équipement périphérique, selon la conception ou les spécifications d'installation. |
Superviser la performance quotidienne des systèmes informatiques. |
Mettre en place un équipement pour l'utilisation des employés, effectuer ou assurer une installation correcte des câbles, des systèmes d'exploitation ou des logiciels appropriés. |
Maintenir les enregistrements des transactions quotidiennes de communication de données, des problèmes et des mesures correctives prises, ou des activités d'installation. |
Liser les manuels techniques, confier aux utilisateurs ou effectuer des diagnostics informatiques pour enquêter et résoudre les problèmes, ou pour fournir une assistance technique et un soutien. |
Assurer-vous que le personnel, les utilisateurs et la direction doivent établir des exigences pour de nouveaux systèmes ou modifications. |
Développer du matériel de formation et des procédures, ou former les utilisateurs dans l'utilisation correcte du matériel ou du logiciel. |
Reporter-vous aux principaux problèmes matériels ou logiciels ou produits défectueux aux vendeurs ou aux techniciens pour le service. |
Préparer des évaluations de logiciels ou de matériel et recommander des améliorations ou des mises à niveau. |
Liser les magazines commerciaux et les manuels techniques, ou participer à des conférences et des séminaires pour maintenir la connaissance du matériel et des logiciels. |
Inspecter l'équipement et liser les feuilles de commande pour préparer la livraison aux utilisateurs. |
Modifier et personnaliser les programmes commerciaux pour les besoins internes. |
Effectuer des études de faisabilité de l'automatisation du bureau, y compris l'analyse du flux de travail, la conception de l'espace ou l'analyse comparative des coûts. |
Embaucher, superviser et diriger les travailleurs engagés dans des projets spéciaux, la résolution de problèmes, la surveillance et l'installation de matériel et de logiciels de communication de données. |
ElementID | Connaissance (FR / EN) | ScaleName | DataValue |
2.C.3.a | Ordinateurs et électronique / Computers and Electronics | Niveau | 5,98 |
2.C.1.e | Service client et personnel / Customer and Personal Service | Niveau | 5,29 |
2.C.1.b | Clérical / Clerical | Niveau | 4,45 |
2.C.7.a | Langues Anglaise - Française - Malagasy / English Language | Niveau | 4,22 |
2.C.9.a | Télécommunications / Telecommunications | Niveau | 3,78 |
2.C.3.b | Ingénierie et technologie / Engineering and Technology | Niveau | 3,72 |
2.C.6 | Éducation et formation / Education and Training | Niveau | 3,66 |
2.C.1.a | Administration et gestion / Administration and Management | Niveau | 3,09 |
2.C.4.a | Mathématiques / Mathematics | Niveau | 3,08 |
2.C.9.b | Communications et médias / Communications and Media | Niveau | 2,82 |
2.C.3.c | Conception / Design | Niveau | 2,63 |
2.C.3.e | Mécanique / Mechanical | Niveau | 2,37 |
2.C.8.a | Sécurité publique / Public Safety and Security | Niveau | 2,29 |
2.C.4.e | Psychologie / Psychology | Niveau | 2,18 |
2.C.2.a | Production et traitement / Production and Processing | Niveau | 2,17 |
ElementID | Compétence (FR / EN) | ScaleName | DataValue |
2.A.1.b | Écoute active / Active Listening | Importance | 4 |
2.A.1.d | Parlant / Speaking | Importance | 4 |
2.A.1.a | Compréhension écrite / Reading Comprehension | Importance | 3,88 |
2.A.2.a | Pensée critique / Critical Thinking | Importance | 3,75 |
2.A.1.c | L'écriture / Writing | Importance | 3,62 |
2.B.2.i | Résolution de problèmes complexes / Complex Problem Solving | Importance | 3,5 |
2.B.5.a | Gestion du temps / Time Management | Importance | 3,38 |
2.A.2.b | Apprentissage actif / Active Learning | Importance | 3,25 |
2.A.2.d | surveillance / Monitoring | Importance | 3,25 |
2.B.4.e | Jugement et prise de décision / Judgment and Decision Making | Importance | 3,25 |
2.B.1.e | En instruction / Instructing | Importance | 3,25 |
2.B.1.a | Perceptivité sociale / Social Perceptiveness | Importance | 3,12 |
2.B.1.b | Coordination / Coordination | Importance | 3,12 |
2.B.1.f | Orientation du service / Service Orientation | Importance | 3,12 |
2.B.4.g | Analyse de systèmes / Systems Analysis | Importance | 3 |
2.B.5.d | / Management of Personnel Resou | Importance | 2,75 |
2.B.3.k | Dépannage / Troubleshooting | Importance | 2,75 |
2.B.3.g | Surveillance de l'opération / Operation Monitoring | Importance | 2,75 |
2.B.1.d | Négociation / Negotiation | Importance | 2,75 |
2.A.2.c | Stratégies d'apprentissage / Learning Strategies | Importance | 2,75 |
2.B.3.a | Analyse d'exploitation / Operations Analysis | Importance | 2,62 |
2.B.3.h | Opération et contrôle / Operation and Control | Importance | 2,62 |
2.B.3.m | Analyse de contrôle de qualité / Quality Control Analysis | Importance | 2,62 |
2.B.1.c | Persuasion / Persuasion | Importance | 2,62 |
2.B.4.h | Évaluation des systèmes / Systems Evaluation | Importance | 2,62 |
2.B.3.j | Entretien de l'équipement / Equipment Maintenance | Importance | 2,38 |
2.A.1.e | Mathématiques / Mathematics | Importance | 2,38 |
2.B.3.l | Réparation / Repairing | Importance | 2,38 |
2.A.1.f | Science / Science | Importance | 2,12 |
2.B.3.c | Sélection de l'équipement / Equipment Selection | Importance | 2 |
2.B.3.d | Installation / Installation | Importance | 2 |
2.B.3.e | La programmation / Programming | Importance | 2 |
ElementID | ElementName | ScaleName | DataValue |
1.A.1.a | Expression oral / Oral Expression | Importance | 4,12 |
1.A.1.a | Compréhension orale / Oral Comprehension | Importance | 4,12 |
1.A.1.a | Compréhension écrite / Written Comprehension | Importance | 3,88 |
1.A.1.a | Expression écrite / Written Expression | Importance | 3,75 |
1.A.4.a | Près de la vision / Near Vision | Importance | 3,62 |
1.A.1.b | Commande d'information / Information Ordering | Importance | 3,62 |
1.A.4.b | Clarté de la parole / Speech Clarity | Importance | 3,5 |
1.A.4.b | Reconnaissance de la parole / Speech Recognition | Importance | 3,5 |
1.A.1.b | Raisonnement déductif / Deductive Reasoning | Importance | 3,5 |
1.A.1.b | Sensibilité au problème / Problem Sensitivity | Importance | 3,5 |
1.A.1.b | Raisonnement inductif / Inductive Reasoning | Importance | 3,38 |
1.A.1.b | Catégorie Flexibilité / Category Flexibility | Importance | 3,25 |
1.A.1.g | Attention sélective / Selective Attention | Importance | 3,25 |
1.A.2.a | Dextérité des doigts / Finger Dexterity | Importance | 3 |
1.A.1.e | Vitesse perceptuelle / Perceptual Speed | Importance | 3 |
1.A.1.e | Flexibilité de la fermeture / Flexibility of Closure | Importance | 2,88 |
1.A.1.b | La maîtrise des idées / Fluency of Ideas | Importance | 2,88 |
1.A.2.a | Maintien de la main / Arm-Hand Steadiness | Importance | 2,88 |
1.A.2.a | Dextérité manuelle / Manual Dexterity | Importance | 2,88 |
1.A.1.g | Partage de temps / Time Sharing | Importance | 2,75 |
1.A.1.b | Originalité / Originality | Importance | 2,75 |
1.A.1.f | Visualisation / Visualization | Importance | 2,62 |
1.A.4.a | Discrimination visuelle de couleur / Visual Color Discrimination | Importance | 2,62 |
1.A.1.e | Vitesse de fermeture / Speed of Closure | Importance | 2,5 |
1.A.4.a | Vision extrême / Far Vision | Importance | 2,5 |
1.A.1.c | Raisonnement mathématique / Mathematical Reasoning | Importance | 2,5 |
1.A.1.c | Nombre d'installations / Number Facility | Importance | 2,5 |
1.A.1.d | Mémorisation / Memorization | Importance | 2,5 |
1.A.3.a | Force du coffre / Trunk Strength | Importance | 2,25 |
1.A.2.b | Précision de contrôle / Control Precision | Importance | 2,25 |
1.A.2.b | Coordination Multilimb / Multilimb Coordination | Importance | 2,12 |
1.A.4.a | Perception de la profondeur / Depth Perception | Importance | 2,12 |
1.A.3.a | Force dynamique / Dynamic Strength | Importance | 2 |
1.A.3.a | Force statique / Static Strength | Importance | 2 |
1.A.4.b | Sensibilité auditive / Hearing Sensitivity | Importance | 2 |
1.A.4.b | Attention auditive / Auditory Attention | Importance | 2 |
T2Type | T2Example | CommodityTitle |
Tools | Computer tool kits | Computer tool kits |
Tools | Desktop computers | Desktop computers |
Tools | Digital tapes | Tape arrays |
Tools | Mainframe computers | Mainframe computers |
Tools | MS-DOS-bootable disks | Floppy disks |
Tools | Multi-line telephone systems | Special purpose telephones |
Tools | Network analyzers | Network analyzers |
Tools | Notebook computers | Notebook computers |
Tools | Power meters | Power meters |
Tools | Punchdown tools | Punches or nail sets or drifts |
Tools | Redundant array of independent disks RAID systems | Hard disk arrays |
Tools | Reflectometers | Reflectometers |
Tools | Screwdrivers | Screwdrivers |
Tools | Wire crimpers | Wire lug crimping tool |
Technology | Active directory software | Internet directory services software |
Technology | Adobe Systems Adobe Acrobat | Document management software |
Technology | Adobe Systems Adobe ActionScript | Development environment software |
Technology | Adobe Systems Adobe Creative Cloud | Graphics or photo imaging software |
Technology | Adobe Systems Adobe Distiller | Desktop publishing software |
Technology | Adobe Systems Adobe Dreamweaver | Web page creation and editing software |
Technology | Adobe Systems Adobe Flash | Graphics or photo imaging software |
Technology | Adobe Systems Adobe Illustrator | Graphics or photo imaging software |
Technology | Adobe Systems Adobe InDesign | Desktop publishing software |
Technology | Adobe Systems Adobe Photoshop | Graphics or photo imaging software |
Technology | Advanced business application programming ABAP | Object or component oriented development software |
Technology | Apache HTTP Server | Portal server software |
Technology | Apache Maven | Development environment software |
Technology | Apache Tomcat | Web platform development software |
Technology | Apple Final Cut Pro | Video creation and editing software |
Technology | Atlassian JIRA | Content workflow software |
Technology | Automated installation software | Configuration management software |
Technology | Blackboard | Data base user interface and query software |
Technology | C | Development environment software |
Technology | C# | Object or component oriented development software |
Technology | C++ | Object or component oriented development software |
Technology | Calendar and scheduling software | Calendar and scheduling software |
Technology | Call center software | Helpdesk or call center software |
Technology | Cisco Systems IOS | Operating system software |
Technology | Citrix | Access software |
Technology | Common business oriented language COBOL | Development environment software |
Technology | Configuration management software | Configuration management software |
Technology | CrossTec NetOp Remote Control | Desktop communications software |
Technology | Customer information control system CICS | Transaction server software |
Technology | Dartware InterMapper | Network monitoring software |
Technology | Data entry software | Data base user interface and query software |
Technology | Defect tracking software | Program testing software |
Technology | Deployment software | Configuration management software |
Technology | Desktop partitioning software | Filesystem software |
Technology | Disaster recovery software | Backup or archival software |
Technology | Domain name system DNS | Internet directory services software |
Technology | Drupal | Web platform development software |
Technology | Dynamic hypertext markup language DHTML | Web platform development software |
Technology | Eclipse IDE | Development environment software |
Technology | Element management software | Administration software |
Technology | Encryption software | Transaction security and virus protection software |
Technology | Enterprise JavaBeans | Web platform development software |
Technology | Enterprise resource planning ERP software | Enterprise resource planning ERP software |
Technology | Epic Systems | Medical software |
Technology | ESRI ArcGIS software | Map creation software |
Technology | Event log monitor software | Operating system software |
Technology | Extensible HyperText Markup Language XHTML | Web platform development software |
Technology | Extensible markup language XML | Enterprise application integration software |
Technology | FileMaker Pro | Data base user interface and query software |
Technology | Help desk software | Helpdesk or call center software |
Technology | Hewlett Packard HP-UX | Operating system software |
Technology | Human resource management software HRMS | Human resources software |
Technology | Hypertext markup language HTML | Web platform development software |
Technology | IBM Cognos Impromptu | Business intelligence and data analysis software |
Technology | IBM Domino | Communications server software |
Technology | IBM Notes | Electronic mail software |
Technology | IBM Power Systems software | Enterprise system management software |
Technology | IBM WebSphere | Enterprise application integration software |
Technology | Information systems integration software | Information retrieval or search software |
Technology | Integrated development environment IDE software | Development environment software |
Technology | Internet browser software | Internet browser software |
Technology | iPro | Data base user interface and query software |
Technology | JavaScript | Web platform development software |
Technology | Job control language JCL | Operating system software |
Technology | KornShell | Operating system software |
Technology | LAMP Stack | Web platform development software |
Technology | LexisNexis | Information retrieval or search software |
Technology | License management software | License management software |
Technology | Linux | Operating system software |
Technology | Lucid IQ | Data base user interface and query software |
Technology | Mac HelpMate | Access software |
Technology | McAfee | Transaction security and virus protection software |
Technology | Media storage management software | Storage networking software |
Technology | MEDITECH software | Medical software |
Technology | Microsoft .NET Framework | Development environment software |
Technology | Microsoft Access | Data base user interface and query software |
Technology | Microsoft ActiveX | Object or component oriented development software |
Technology | Microsoft Dynamics | Enterprise resource planning ERP software |
Technology | Microsoft Dynamics GP | Enterprise resource planning ERP software |
Technology | Microsoft Excel | Spreadsheet software |
Technology | Microsoft Exchange Server | Electronic mail software |
Technology | Microsoft Office | Office suite software |
Technology | Microsoft Outlook | Electronic mail software |
Technology | Microsoft PowerPoint | Presentation software |
Technology | Microsoft PowerShell | Development environment software |
Technology | Microsoft Project | Project management software |
Technology | Microsoft Publisher | Desktop publishing software |
Technology | Microsoft SharePoint | Project management software |
Technology | Microsoft SQL Server | Data base user interface and query software |
Technology | Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services | Data base reporting software |
Technology | Microsoft Visio | Graphics or photo imaging software |
Technology | Microsoft Visual Basic | Development environment software |
Technology | Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition VBScript | Development environment software |
Technology | Microsoft Visual Studio | Development environment software |
Technology | Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service | Backup or archival software |
Technology | Microsoft Windows | Operating system software |
Technology | Microsoft Windows Pre-installation Environment | Operating system software |
Technology | Microsoft Word | Word processing software |
Technology | MicroStrategy | Business intelligence and data analysis software |
Technology | Migration software | Platform interconnectivity software |
Technology | MySQL | Data base user interface and query software |
Technology | Nagios | Network monitoring software |
Technology | NetSuite ERP | Enterprise resource planning ERP software |
Technology | Network directory services software | Internet directory services software |
Technology | Operating system monitoring software | Operating system software |
Technology | Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition | Business intelligence and data analysis software |
Technology | Oracle E-Business Suite Financials | Financial analysis software |
Technology | Oracle Fusion Applications | Enterprise resource planning ERP software |
Technology | Oracle Java | Object or component oriented development software |
Technology | Oracle JavaServer Pages JSP | Web platform development software |
Technology | Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne | Enterprise resource planning ERP software |
Technology | Oracle JDBC | Data base user interface and query software |
Technology | Oracle PeopleSoft | Enterprise resource planning ERP software |
Technology | Oracle PL/SQL | Data base management system software |
Technology | Oracle Solaris | Operating system software |
Technology | Oracle WebLogic Server | Application server software |
Technology | Password management software | Authentication server software |
Technology | Patch management software | Configuration management software |
Technology | Perforce Helix software | Configuration management software |
Technology | Personal computer diagnostic software | Program testing software |
Technology | PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor | Web platform development software |
Technology | PostgreSQL | Object oriented data base management software |
Technology | Practical extraction and reporting language Perl | Object or component oriented development software |
Technology | Puppet | Configuration management software |
Technology | Python | Object or component oriented development software |
Technology | Qlik Tech QlikView | Business intelligence and data analysis software |
Technology | Red Hat Enterprise Linux | Operating system software |
Technology | Red Hat WildFly | Application server software |
Technology | Relational database management software | Data base management system software |
Technology | Remote control software | Desktop communications software |
Technology | Remote install server software | Network operation system software |
Technology | Salesforce software | Customer relationship management CRM software |
Technology | SAP | Enterprise resource planning ERP software |
Technology | SAP Business Objects | Enterprise resource planning ERP software |
Technology | SAP Crystal Reports | Data base reporting software |
Technology | Software asset management SAM software | Data base user interface and query software |
Technology | SolarWinds | Administration software |
Technology | Splunk Enterprise | Enterprise system management software |
Technology | Stac Software ReachOut | Desktop communications software |
Technology | Structured query language SQL | Data base user interface and query software |
Technology | Swift | Object or component oriented development software |
Technology | Sybase | Data base management system software |
Technology | Symantec | Transaction security and virus protection software |
Technology | Symantec LiveState | Backup or archival software |
Technology | Symantec Norton Utilities | Filesystem software |
Technology | Symantec pcAnywhere | Desktop communications software |
Technology | Tax software | Accounting software |
Technology | Teradata Database | Data base management system software |
Technology | Transact-SQL | Data base user interface and query software |
Technology | Ubuntu | Operating system software |
Technology | UNIX | Operating system software |
Technology | Veritas NetBackup | Backup or archival software |
Technology | Virtual private networking VPN software | Network security or virtual private network VPN management software |
Technology | Virus scanning software | Transaction security and virus protection software |
Technology | Wireshark | Network monitoring software |
Element ID | Interêt (FR / EN) | ScaleName | DataValue |
1.B.1.a | Réaliste / Realistic | Niveau | 5,67 |
1.B.1.b | Investigatrice / Investigative | Niveau | 5,33 |
1.B.1.c | Artistique / Artistic | Niveau | 1,67 |
1.B.1.d | Social / Social | Niveau | 4,33 |
1.B.1.e | Entreprenant / Enterprising | Niveau | 2,67 |
1.B.1.f | Conventionnel / Conventional | Niveau | 5,33 |
1.B.1.g | Premier intérêt High-Point / First Interest High-Point | Niveau | 1 |
1.B.1.h | Deuxième intérêt High-Point / Second Interest High-Point | Niveau | 2 |
1.B.1.i | Troisième intérêt High-Point / Third Interest High-Point | Niveau | 6 |
Choisir une formation qui vous convient, c'est penser déjà à votre carrière envisagé. Notre module d'orientation vous expose un test d'orientation, une liste de 1100 métiers, et une liste de 250 formations
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Le savoir est offert par l'Université. Le savoir faire s'acquiert par l'expérience. Le savoir être dépend de votre personnalité.