"Penser globale, agir national", telle est la ligne conductrice qui portera toute la politique et les actions de l’Université.
L’employabilité de nos étudiants devient nos préoccupations. Les offres de formation sont accréditées aux besoins de la société.
Les Écoles Doctorales et les laboratoires encadrent des doctorants et de chercheurs aptes à la création d’emploi
Task |
Évaluer la sécurité, l'efficacité et l'efficacité des équipements biomédicaux. |
Conseiller les administrateurs des hôpitaux sur la planification, l'acquisition et l'utilisation d'équipements médicaux. |
Conseiller et aider à l'application de l'instrumentation dans des environnements cliniques. |
Rechercher de nouveaux matériaux à utiliser pour les produits, tels que les organes artificiels implantés. |
Développer des modèles ou des simulations informatiques de systèmes de comportement biologique humain pour obtenir des données pour mesurer ou contrôler des processus de vie. |
Concevoir et développer des instruments, des équipements et des procédures de diagnostic médical et clinique, en utilisant les principes de l'ingénierie et des sciences de la bio-comportement. |
Effectuer des recherches, ainsi que des scientifiques de la vie, des chimistes et des scientifiques médicaux, sur les aspects techniques des systèmes biologiques des humains et des animaux. |
Enseigner l'ingénierie biomédicale ou diffuser des connaissances sur le terrain par écrit ou par consultation. |
Concevoir et fournir des technologies pour aider les personnes handicapées. |
Diagnostiquer et interpréter les données bioélectriques, en utilisant des techniques de traitement du signal. |
Adapter ou concevoir un matériel ou un logiciel informatique pour les utilisations scientifiques médicales. |
Analyser les nouvelles procédures médicales pour prévoir les résultats probables. |
Développer de nouvelles applications pour les sources d'énergie, telles que l'utilisation de l'énergie nucléaire pour les implants biomédicaux. |
Installer, ajuster, entretenir, réparer ou fournir un support technique pour l'équipement biomédical. |
Conserver la documentation des antécédents de service sur tous les équipements biomédicaux. |
Effectuer des formations ou des services pour éduquer les cliniciens et les autres membres du personnel sur l'utilisation correcte des équipements. |
Ecriver des documents décrivant les protocoles, les politiques, les normes d'utilisation, la maintenance et la réparation des équipements médicaux. |
Gérer les équipes d'ingénieurs en créant des horaires, en surveillant les inventaires, en créant et en utilisant des budgets, et en surveillant les obligations contractuelles et les délais. |
Effectuer une maintenance préventive sur les équipements. |
ElementID | Connaissance (FR / EN) | ScaleName | DataValue |
2.C.3.b | Ingénierie et technologie / Engineering and Technology | Niveau | 6,11 |
2.C.4.d | La biologie / Biology | Niveau | 6 |
2.C.4.a | Mathématiques / Mathematics | Niveau | 5,74 |
2.C.3.c | Conception / Design | Niveau | 5,42 |
2.C.3.a | Ordinateurs et électronique / Computers and Electronics | Niveau | 5,37 |
2.C.4.b | La physique / Physics | Niveau | 5,16 |
2.C.4.c | Chimie / Chemistry | Niveau | 5,05 |
2.C.7.a | Langues Anglaise - Française - Malagasy / English Language | Niveau | 4,89 |
2.C.5.a | Médecine et dentisterie / Medicine and Dentistry | Niveau | 4,47 |
2.C.3.e | Mécanique / Mechanical | Niveau | 4,11 |
2.C.6 | Éducation et formation / Education and Training | Niveau | 4 |
2.C.2.a | Production et traitement / Production and Processing | Niveau | 3,53 |
2.C.1.a | Administration et gestion / Administration and Management | Niveau | 3,3 |
2.C.1.d | Ventes et marketing / Sales and Marketing | Niveau | 2,79 |
2.C.1.e | Service client et personnel / Customer and Personal Service | Niveau | 2,74 |
2.C.8.b | Droit et gouvernement / Law and Government | Niveau | 2,58 |
2.C.1.b | Clérical / Clerical | Niveau | 2,53 |
2.C.1.f | Personnel et ressources humaines / Personnel and Human Resources | Niveau | 2,53 |
2.C.4.e | Psychologie / Psychology | Niveau | 2,47 |
2.C.9.b | Communications et médias / Communications and Media | Niveau | 2,32 |
2.C.1.c | Économie et comptabilité / Economics and Accounting | Niveau | 2,26 |
2.C.9.a | Télécommunications / Telecommunications | Niveau | 2,21 |
ElementID | Compétence (FR / EN) | ScaleName | DataValue |
2.A.1.f | Science / Science | Importance | 4,12 |
2.A.2.a | Pensée critique / Critical Thinking | Importance | 4,12 |
2.A.1.a | Compréhension écrite / Reading Comprehension | Importance | 4 |
2.B.4.e | Jugement et prise de décision / Judgment and Decision Making | Importance | 4 |
2.B.2.i | Résolution de problèmes complexes / Complex Problem Solving | Importance | 4 |
2.A.1.b | Écoute active / Active Listening | Importance | 3,88 |
2.B.3.a | Analyse d'exploitation / Operations Analysis | Importance | 3,88 |
2.A.1.d | Parlant / Speaking | Importance | 3,75 |
2.B.4.g | Analyse de systèmes / Systems Analysis | Importance | 3,62 |
2.A.1.e | Mathématiques / Mathematics | Importance | 3,62 |
2.A.2.d | surveillance / Monitoring | Importance | 3,5 |
2.B.4.h | Évaluation des systèmes / Systems Evaluation | Importance | 3,5 |
2.A.1.c | L'écriture / Writing | Importance | 3,5 |
2.A.2.b | Apprentissage actif / Active Learning | Importance | 3,5 |
2.B.3.b | Conception de la technologie / Technology Design | Importance | 3,38 |
2.A.2.c | Stratégies d'apprentissage / Learning Strategies | Importance | 3,25 |
2.B.5.a | Gestion du temps / Time Management | Importance | 3,25 |
2.B.3.e | La programmation / Programming | Importance | 3,12 |
2.B.3.m | Analyse de contrôle de qualité / Quality Control Analysis | Importance | 3,12 |
2.B.3.g | Surveillance de l'opération / Operation Monitoring | Importance | 3,12 |
2.B.1.e | En instruction / Instructing | Importance | 3,12 |
2.B.1.b | Coordination / Coordination | Importance | 3,12 |
2.B.1.a | Perceptivité sociale / Social Perceptiveness | Importance | 3,12 |
2.B.1.c | Persuasion / Persuasion | Importance | 3 |
2.B.1.f | Orientation du service / Service Orientation | Importance | 2,88 |
2.B.3.k | Dépannage / Troubleshooting | Importance | 2,88 |
2.B.5.d | / Management of Personnel Resou | Importance | 2,88 |
2.B.1.d | Négociation / Negotiation | Importance | 2,75 |
2.B.3.d | Installation / Installation | Importance | 2,62 |
2.B.3.l | Réparation / Repairing | Importance | 2,5 |
2.B.5.c | / Management of Material Resour | Importance | 2,5 |
2.B.3.c | Sélection de l'équipement / Equipment Selection | Importance | 2,38 |
2.B.3.h | Opération et contrôle / Operation and Control | Importance | 2,38 |
2.B.3.j | Entretien de l'équipement / Equipment Maintenance | Importance | 2,38 |
2.B.5.b | / Management of Financial Resou | Importance | 2 |
ElementID | ElementName | ScaleName | DataValue |
1.A.1.b | Raisonnement déductif / Deductive Reasoning | Importance | 4,25 |
1.A.1.b | Raisonnement inductif / Inductive Reasoning | Importance | 4,12 |
1.A.1.a | Compréhension écrite / Written Comprehension | Importance | 4 |
1.A.4.a | Près de la vision / Near Vision | Importance | 4 |
1.A.1.b | Sensibilité au problème / Problem Sensitivity | Importance | 4 |
1.A.1.a | Compréhension orale / Oral Comprehension | Importance | 3,88 |
1.A.1.a | Expression écrite / Written Expression | Importance | 3,75 |
1.A.1.a | Expression oral / Oral Expression | Importance | 3,75 |
1.A.1.b | Commande d'information / Information Ordering | Importance | 3,75 |
1.A.1.c | Raisonnement mathématique / Mathematical Reasoning | Importance | 3,75 |
1.A.1.b | Originalité / Originality | Importance | 3,62 |
1.A.1.b | Catégorie Flexibilité / Category Flexibility | Importance | 3,62 |
1.A.4.b | Reconnaissance de la parole / Speech Recognition | Importance | 3,5 |
1.A.1.e | Flexibilité de la fermeture / Flexibility of Closure | Importance | 3,5 |
1.A.1.f | Visualisation / Visualization | Importance | 3,5 |
1.A.4.b | Clarté de la parole / Speech Clarity | Importance | 3,38 |
1.A.1.g | Attention sélective / Selective Attention | Importance | 3,38 |
1.A.1.c | Nombre d'installations / Number Facility | Importance | 3,38 |
1.A.1.b | La maîtrise des idées / Fluency of Ideas | Importance | 3,38 |
1.A.1.e | Vitesse perceptuelle / Perceptual Speed | Importance | 3,12 |
1.A.2.a | Dextérité des doigts / Finger Dexterity | Importance | 3,12 |
1.A.4.a | Vision extrême / Far Vision | Importance | 3 |
1.A.1.e | Vitesse de fermeture / Speed of Closure | Importance | 2,75 |
1.A.2.a | Maintien de la main / Arm-Hand Steadiness | Importance | 2,62 |
1.A.2.b | Précision de contrôle / Control Precision | Importance | 2,62 |
1.A.1.d | Mémorisation / Memorization | Importance | 2,62 |
1.A.4.a | Discrimination visuelle de couleur / Visual Color Discrimination | Importance | 2,62 |
1.A.4.a | Perception de la profondeur / Depth Perception | Importance | 2,62 |
1.A.1.g | Partage de temps / Time Sharing | Importance | 2,5 |
1.A.4.b | Sensibilité auditive / Hearing Sensitivity | Importance | 2,25 |
1.A.2.a | Dextérité manuelle / Manual Dexterity | Importance | 2,12 |
1.A.2.c | Temps de réaction / Reaction Time | Importance | 2 |
T2Type | T2Example | CommodityTitle |
Tools | 3T scanners | Medical magnetic resonance imaging MRI scanners |
Tools | Accelerometers | Accelerometers |
Tools | Acoustic measurement systems | Acoustic sensors |
Tools | Acousto-optic modulators | Modulators |
Tools | Activity monitoring devices | Physiological recorders |
Tools | Anthropometers | Thickness measuring devices |
Tools | Arbitrary waveform generators | Wave generators |
Tools | Axial-torsional testing systems | Physiological recorders |
Tools | Bacteria-based biosensors | Bacteria transformation kits |
Tools | Basic stamp microcontrollers | Microcontrollers |
Tools | Bio-sensors | Biometric identification equipment |
Tools | Bio-signal amplifiers | Amplifiers |
Tools | Bio-signal simulators | Frequency calibrator or simulator |
Tools | Biomagnetic imaging scanners | Medical magnetic resonance imaging MRI scanners |
Tools | Biomedical device electrical safety testers | Electrometers |
Tools | Biomimetic robots | Robot machines |
Tools | Bioreactors | Tissue culture incubators |
Tools | Biosafety cabinets | HEPA filtered enclosures |
Tools | Cardiovascular prosthetic device testers | Fatigue testers |
Tools | Centrifuges | Benchtop centrifuges |
Tools | Circuit analyzers | Circuit tester |
Tools | Cone-plate viscometers | Viscosimeters |
Tools | Defibrillator testing devices | Cardiac pacemaker generator or cardiac resynchronization therapy pacemaker CRT-P |
Tools | Deflectors | Deflecting devices |
Tools | Desktop computers | Desktop computers |
Tools | Digital sonomicrometers | Sonometers |
Tools | Dissolved oxygen polarographic measurement devices | Dissolved oxygen meters |
Tools | Dynamometers | Dynamometers |
Tools | Electrical particle detectors | Proton spectrometers |
Tools | Electrode bevelers | pH electrodes |
Tools | Electrode pullers | pH electrodes |
Tools | Electroencephalography EEG equipment | Electroencephalograph EEG or accessories |
Tools | Electromyographs EMG | Electromyography EMG units or accessories |
Tools | Electroplating apparatus | pH electrodes |
Tools | Electrosurgery testing devices | Electrometers |
Tools | Endovascular stent-graft testing instruments | Endoscope maintenance units or accessories |
Tools | Environmental conditions measurement devices | Pressure indicators |
Tools | Eye tracking devices | Camera based vision systems for automated data collection |
Tools | Finger joint flexure testers | Flexure or transverse testing machines |
Tools | Flow control devices | Flow injection analysis equipment |
Tools | Fluorescence microscopes | Fluorescent microscopes |
Tools | Footswitch sensors | Pressure indicators |
Tools | Force platforms | Pressure indicators |
Tools | Fourier transform infrared FTIR spectrometers | Infrared spectrometers |
Tools | Frequency shifters | Phase modulation circuit |
Tools | Functional magnetic resonance imaging fMRI scanners | Medical magnetic resonance imaging MRI scanners |
Tools | Gas flow control systems | Gas or vapour concentration measuring instruments |
Tools | Glass micromolds | Glass injection moldings |
Tools | Grass stimulators | Neuromuscular stimulators or kits |
Tools | Grip dynamometers | Pressure indicators |
Tools | Hardness testing devices | Hardness testers |
Tools | High-speed digital cameras | Digital cameras |
Tools | Immuno-sensors | Immunology or serology quality controls or calibrators or standards |
Tools | Impact testers | Impact testers |
Tools | Incubator performance analyzers | Electrometers |
Tools | Incubators | Forced air or mechanical convection general purpose incubators |
Tools | Insole sensors | Pressure indicators |
Tools | Intravenous IV pump analyzers | Electrometers |
Tools | Isolators | Isolators |
Tools | Laptop computers | Notebook computers |
Tools | Laser ablation machines | Laser cutting machine |
Tools | Load sensors | Electronic loads |
Tools | Magnetic resonance imaging MRI systems | Medical magnetic resonance imaging MRI scanners |
Tools | Maskless photolithography equipment | Computed tomography CT or CAT radiotherapy simulators |
Tools | Material fatigue and dynamics characterization devices | Fatigue testers |
Tools | Material tension/compression testing devices | Compression testers |
Tools | Medical radiation dosimeters | Medical radiation dosimeters |
Tools | Microcontrollers | Microcontrollers |
Tools | Microelectrodes | pH electrodes |
Tools | Microfluidic networks | Microscopic structure estimation apparatus |
Tools | Micromanipulation microrheology microscopes | Transmission electron microscopes |
Tools | Micromolding lithography equipment | Plastic injection moldings |
Tools | Microplate readers | Microplate readers |
Tools | Microplate washers | Microplate washers |
Tools | Microplating equipment | Microplates |
Tools | Micropumps | Drug delivery system or accessories |
Tools | Microvalves | Drug delivery system or accessories |
Tools | Milling machines | Milling machines |
Tools | Molecular cytosensors | Hemacytometer sets |
Tools | Molecular vacuum pumps | Laboratory vacuum pumps |
Tools | Motion actuators | Electronic actuators |
Tools | Multi-axis kinematic knee simulators | Flexure or transverse testing machines |
Tools | Multi-photon microscopes | Scanning electron microscopes |
Tools | Multimeters | Multimeters |
Tools | Non-invasive blood pressure monitor analyzers | Electrometers |
Tools | Optical coherence tomography OCT scanners | Medical computed tomography CT or CAT scanners or tubes |
Tools | Optical particle detectors | Spectrophotometers |
Tools | Optical tomographic imaging scanners | Medical computed tomography CT or CAT scanners or tubes |
Tools | Optical traps | Tweezers |
Tools | Opto-electronic electrogoniometers | Physiological recorders |
Tools | Oscilloscopes | Oscilloscopes |
Tools | Pacemaker analyzers | Cardiac pacemaker generator or cardiac resynchronization therapy pacemaker CRT-P |
Tools | Pacemaker testing devices | Cardiac pacemaker generator or cardiac resynchronization therapy pacemaker CRT-P |
Tools | Patient monitoring testing devices | Physiological recorders |
Tools | Physical conditioning treadmill exercisers | Treadmills |
Tools | Piezoelectric ceramic transducers | Piezo electric crystals |
Tools | Piezoelectric sensors | Piezo electric crystals |
Tools | Pinch gauges | Pressure indicators |
Tools | Plasma excitation chambers | Inductively coupled plasma ICP spectrometers |
Tools | Plastic injection molding machines | Injection molding machines |
Tools | Polygraph recorders | Physiological recorders |
Tools | Polymer matrices | Tissue culture coated plates or dishes or inserts |
Tools | Polymer scaffolds | Tissue culture coated plates or dishes or inserts |
Tools | Polymerase chain reaction PCR equipment | Rapid amplification or complementary deoxyribonucleic acid ends RACE technology products |
Tools | Positron emission tomography PET scanners | Medical positron emission tomography PET units |
Tools | Posturographic measurement systems | Pressure indicators |
Tools | Pressure and temperature measurement devices | Electrometers |
Tools | Pressure sensors | Pressure sensors |
Tools | Pressure transducers | Electro pneumatic transducers |
Tools | Prosthetic limb testers | Tension testers |
Tools | Pulsating bubble surfactometers PBS | Surface tension measuring instruments |
Tools | Pulse oximeters | Pulse oximeter units |
Tools | Quantum-based switching applications Q-switch electron waveguides | Q Meters |
Tools | Radiation compliance testing devices | Medical radiation dosimeters |
Tools | Radio frequency amplifiers | Amplifiers |
Tools | Rapid toxicity testing systems | Bacteria transformation kits |
Tools | Scanning probe microscopes SPM | Scanning probe microscopes |
Tools | Servopneumatic actuators | Pneumatic actuators |
Tools | Servopneumatic axial test instruments | Fatigue testers |
Tools | Single photon emission computed tomography SPECT scanners | Medical single photon emission computed tomography SPECT units |
Tools | Skinfold calipers | Skinfold calipers |
Tools | Soft materials in-vitro simulation system | Tissue culture apparatus |
Tools | Spectrofluorimeters | Spectrofluorimeters or fluorimeters |
Tools | Spinal disk implant wear testers | Wear testers |
Tools | Spine simulators | Flexure or transverse testing machines |
Tools | Spirometers | Spirometers or its accessories or its supplies |
Tools | Sterilization-in-place equipment | Sterilization sets |
Tools | Strain gauge conditioners | Force or torque sensors |
Tools | Strain gauges | Strain gauges |
Tools | Sublimation printers | Dye sublimination printers |
Tools | Superconducting quantum interference devices SQUID | Magnetometers |
Tools | Torsiometers | Physiological recorders |
Tools | Two-point discriminators | Physiological recorders |
Tools | Ultra high speed magnetic resonance imaging MRI scanner machines | Medical magnetic resonance imaging MRI scanners |
Tools | Ultrasonic testing apparatus | Medical ultrasound or doppler or pulse echo or echography units for general diagnostic use |
Tools | Ultrasound imaging scanners | Medical ultrasound or doppler or pulse echo or echography units for general diagnostic use |
Tools | Ultrasound indention probes | Medical ultrasound or doppler or echo probes |
Tools | Ultrasound transducers | Medical ultrasound or doppler or echo transducers or accessories |
Tools | Ultrasound wattmeters | Wattmeters |
Tools | Ventilator performance analyzers | Electrometers |
Tools | X ray lithography equipment | X ray and fluoroscopy RF radiotherapy planning simulators |
Tools | X ray machines | Medical x ray units for general diagnostic use |
Technology | Advanced computer simulation language ACSL | Development environment software |
Technology | ANSYS | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Biomechanical modeling software | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | C | Development environment software |
Technology | C++ | Object or component oriented development software |
Technology | Cadence Allegro Design Entry Capture and Capture CIS | Computer aided design CAD software |
Technology | Cadence Encounter Test | Computer aided design CAD software |
Technology | Calculating optimum maintenance parameters COMPARE | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Calibration software | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Charting software | Charting software |
Technology | Circuit simulation software | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Common cause failure assessment software | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Computational fluid dynamics CFD software | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Computational modeling software | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Computer aided design CAD software | Computer aided design CAD software |
Technology | Computer aided manufacturing CAM software | Computer aided manufacturing CAM software |
Technology | Criticality analysis software | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Dassault Systems SOLIDWORKS | Computer aided design CAD software |
Technology | Defect tracking software | Program testing software |
Technology | Diagramming software | Pattern design software |
Technology | Dyadem FMEA Pro-6 | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Electromechanical testing analysis software | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Electromyograph analysis software | Medical software |
Technology | Electronic design automation EDA software | Computer aided design CAD software |
Technology | Embedded systems testing software | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Equipment compliance testing software | Compliance software |
Technology | ERP software | Enterprise resource planning ERP software |
Technology | Extensible markup language XML | Enterprise application integration software |
Technology | Failure mode and effects analysis FMEA software | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Failure rate data in perspective FARADIP software | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Failure rate database software | Data base user interface and query software |
Technology | Fault modeling software | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Fault tree analysis FTA software | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Finite element method FEM software | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Force platform software | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Force sensitive applications FSA software | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Fourier transform infrared FTIR software | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Functional modeling software | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Gait analysis software | Medical software |
Technology | Hardware description language HDL | Development environment software |
Technology | Hierarchical simulation program with integrated circuit emphasis HSPICE | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Human modeling software | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Hypertext markup language HTML | Web platform development software |
Technology | IBM Rational ClearCase | Configuration management software |
Technology | IBM Rational ClearQuest | Development environment software |
Technology | IBM Rational RequisitePro | Requirements analysis and system architecture software |
Technology | Image analysis software | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Instrument control software | Medical software |
Technology | Instrument validation software | Medical software |
Technology | JavaScript | Web platform development software |
Technology | Laboratory information management system LIMS | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Materials testing software | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Mathsoft Mathcad | Computer aided design CAD software |
Technology | Mean time between failures MBTF software | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Medical imaging software | Medical software |
Technology | Medical information software | Medical software |
Technology | Mentor Graphics | Computer aided design CAD software |
Technology | Microsoft Excel | Spreadsheet software |
Technology | Microsoft Office | Office suite software |
Technology | Microsoft PowerPoint | Presentation software |
Technology | Microsoft Project | Project management software |
Technology | Microsoft Visual Basic | Development environment software |
Technology | Microsoft Word | Word processing software |
Technology | Minitab | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Molecular simulation software | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Motion analysis software | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | National Instruments LabVIEW | Development environment software |
Technology | Neural network modeling software | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Numerical analysis software | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | OrCAD Capture | Computer aided design CAD software |
Technology | Preventive maintenance software | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Project estimation software | Project management software |
Technology | PTC Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire | Computer aided design CAD software |
Technology | R | Object or component oriented development software |
Technology | Rapid application development RAD software | Enterprise application integration software |
Technology | Rapid prototyping software | Computer aided manufacturing CAM software |
Technology | Reliability centered maintenance RCM software | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Requirements management software | Requirements analysis and system architecture software |
Technology | Root cause analysis software | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | SAP BusinessObjects Crystal Reports | Data base reporting software |
Technology | Schematic design entry software | Computer aided design CAD software |
Technology | Simulation program with integrated circuit emphasis SPICE | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | SNOINO RCM Pro | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | SNOINO Ttree | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Stochastic modeling software | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Stratasys FDM MedModeler | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | System testing software | Program testing software |
Technology | Systems analysis programs for hands on integrated reliability evaluation software SAPHIRE | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Technis BETAPLUS | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Test automation software | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | The MathWorks MATLAB | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Three-dimensional motion capture software | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Unified modeling language UML | Requirements analysis and system architecture software |
Technology | Verilog | Development environment software |
Technology | Virtual instrument software | Medical software |
Technology | Wolfram Research Mathematica | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Zuken | Computer aided design CAD software |
Element ID | Interêt (FR / EN) | ScaleName | DataValue |
1.B.1.a | Réaliste / Realistic | Niveau | 5,67 |
1.B.1.b | Investigatrice / Investigative | Niveau | 7 |
1.B.1.c | Artistique / Artistic | Niveau | 2,67 |
1.B.1.d | Social / Social | Niveau | 2 |
1.B.1.e | Entreprenant / Enterprising | Niveau | 2,33 |
1.B.1.f | Conventionnel / Conventional | Niveau | 3,67 |
1.B.1.g | Premier intérêt High-Point / First Interest High-Point | Niveau | 2 |
1.B.1.h | Deuxième intérêt High-Point / Second Interest High-Point | Niveau | 1 |
1.B.1.i | Troisième intérêt High-Point / Third Interest High-Point | Niveau | 0 |
Choisir une formation qui vous convient, c'est penser déjà à votre carrière envisagé. Notre module d'orientation vous expose un test d'orientation, une liste de 1100 métiers, et une liste de 250 formations
Le personnel enseignant, administratif et technique est disponible pour vous offrir les meilleurs conseils d'orientation
Le savoir est offert par l'Université. Le savoir faire s'acquiert par l'expérience. Le savoir être dépend de votre personnalité.