"Penser globale, agir national", telle est la ligne conductrice qui portera toute la politique et les actions de l’Université.
L’employabilité de nos étudiants devient nos préoccupations. Les offres de formation sont accréditées aux besoins de la société.
Les Écoles Doctorales et les laboratoires encadrent des doctorants et de chercheurs aptes à la création d’emploi
Task |
Planifier et diriger des études pour enquêter sur les maladies humaines ou animales, les méthodes préventives et les traitements contre les maladies. |
Suiver des procédures de sécurité strictes lorsque vous manipuler des substances toxiques pour éviter toute contamination. |
Évaluer les effets des médicaments, des gaz, des pesticides, des parasites et des microorganismes à différents niveaux. |
Enseigner les principes de la médecine et les procédures médicales et de laboratoire aux médecins, aux résidents, aux étudiants et aux techniciens. |
Préparer et analyser des échantillons d'organes, de tissus et de cellules pour identifier la toxicité, les bactéries ou les microorganismes ou étudier la structure cellulaire. |
Standardiser les dosages de médicaments, les méthodes de vaccination et les procédures de fabrication de médicaments et de composés médicinaux. |
Étudier la cause, le progrès, le cycle de vie ou le mode de transmission des maladies ou des parasites. |
Confrener-vous aux services de santé, au personnel de l'industrie, aux médecins et autres pour élaborer des normes de sécurité sanitaire et des programmes d'amélioration de la santé publique. |
Etudier la santé humaine et humaine et les processus physiologiques. |
Consulter et conseiller les médecins, les éducateurs, les chercheurs et d'autres personnes concernant les applications médicales de la physique, de la biologie et de la chimie. |
Utiliser des équipements tels que les spectromètres d'absorption atomique, les microscopes électroniques, les cytomètres de flux et les systèmes de chromatographie. |
Effectuer des recherches pour développer des méthodologies, des instruments et des procédures d'application médicale, analyser les données et présenter les résultats au public scientifique et au public en général. |
Ecriver et publier des articles dans des revues scientifiques. |
ElementID | Connaissance (FR / EN) | ScaleName | DataValue |
2.C.4.d | La biologie / Biology | Niveau | 5,82 |
2.C.4.c | Chimie / Chemistry | Niveau | 5,1 |
2.C.7.a | Langues Anglaise - Française - Malagasy / English Language | Niveau | 5,04 |
2.C.4.a | Mathématiques / Mathematics | Niveau | 4,76 |
2.C.3.a | Ordinateurs et électronique / Computers and Electronics | Niveau | 4,52 |
2.C.6 | Éducation et formation / Education and Training | Niveau | 4,45 |
2.C.1.a | Administration et gestion / Administration and Management | Niveau | 4,25 |
2.C.5.a | Médecine et dentisterie / Medicine and Dentistry | Niveau | 4,14 |
2.C.1.b | Clérical / Clerical | Niveau | 3,76 |
2.C.1.e | Service client et personnel / Customer and Personal Service | Niveau | 3,43 |
2.C.1.f | Personnel et ressources humaines / Personnel and Human Resources | Niveau | 3,4 |
2.C.8.b | Droit et gouvernement / Law and Government | Niveau | 3,39 |
2.C.4.b | La physique / Physics | Niveau | 3,36 |
2.C.2.a | Production et traitement / Production and Processing | Niveau | 3,3 |
2.C.3.b | Ingénierie et technologie / Engineering and Technology | Niveau | 3,2 |
2.C.1.d | Ventes et marketing / Sales and Marketing | Niveau | 3,1 |
2.C.9.b | Communications et médias / Communications and Media | Niveau | 3,05 |
2.C.4.e | Psychologie / Psychology | Niveau | 2,9 |
2.C.3.c | Conception / Design | Niveau | 2,75 |
2.C.1.c | Économie et comptabilité / Economics and Accounting | Niveau | 2,22 |
2.C.3.e | Mécanique / Mechanical | Niveau | 2,11 |
2.C.8.a | Sécurité publique / Public Safety and Security | Niveau | 2,1 |
ElementID | Compétence (FR / EN) | ScaleName | DataValue |
2.A.1.f | Science / Science | Importance | 4,12 |
2.A.2.a | Pensée critique / Critical Thinking | Importance | 4,12 |
2.A.1.b | Écoute active / Active Listening | Importance | 4 |
2.A.1.c | L'écriture / Writing | Importance | 4 |
2.A.1.a | Compréhension écrite / Reading Comprehension | Importance | 4 |
2.A.1.d | Parlant / Speaking | Importance | 3,88 |
2.B.2.i | Résolution de problèmes complexes / Complex Problem Solving | Importance | 3,88 |
2.A.2.b | Apprentissage actif / Active Learning | Importance | 3,75 |
2.A.2.d | surveillance / Monitoring | Importance | 3,62 |
2.B.4.g | Analyse de systèmes / Systems Analysis | Importance | 3,62 |
2.B.4.e | Jugement et prise de décision / Judgment and Decision Making | Importance | 3,62 |
2.B.4.h | Évaluation des systèmes / Systems Evaluation | Importance | 3,38 |
2.A.1.e | Mathématiques / Mathematics | Importance | 3,25 |
2.B.1.a | Perceptivité sociale / Social Perceptiveness | Importance | 3,25 |
2.B.5.a | Gestion du temps / Time Management | Importance | 3,25 |
2.B.5.d | / Management of Personnel Resou | Importance | 3,12 |
2.B.1.b | Coordination / Coordination | Importance | 3,12 |
2.B.1.f | Orientation du service / Service Orientation | Importance | 3 |
2.B.3.a | Analyse d'exploitation / Operations Analysis | Importance | 3 |
2.B.1.e | En instruction / Instructing | Importance | 3 |
2.B.1.c | Persuasion / Persuasion | Importance | 3 |
2.A.2.c | Stratégies d'apprentissage / Learning Strategies | Importance | 3 |
2.B.1.d | Négociation / Negotiation | Importance | 2,75 |
2.B.3.g | Surveillance de l'opération / Operation Monitoring | Importance | 2,5 |
2.B.3.m | Analyse de contrôle de qualité / Quality Control Analysis | Importance | 2,38 |
2.B.5.c | / Management of Material Resour | Importance | 2,38 |
2.B.5.b | / Management of Financial Resou | Importance | 2,12 |
ElementID | ElementName | ScaleName | DataValue |
1.A.1.a | Compréhension écrite / Written Comprehension | Importance | 4,25 |
1.A.1.a | Compréhension orale / Oral Comprehension | Importance | 4,12 |
1.A.1.b | Raisonnement inductif / Inductive Reasoning | Importance | 4,12 |
1.A.1.a | Expression oral / Oral Expression | Importance | 4 |
1.A.1.a | Expression écrite / Written Expression | Importance | 4 |
1.A.1.b | Sensibilité au problème / Problem Sensitivity | Importance | 4 |
1.A.1.b | Raisonnement déductif / Deductive Reasoning | Importance | 4 |
1.A.1.b | Commande d'information / Information Ordering | Importance | 4 |
1.A.1.b | Catégorie Flexibilité / Category Flexibility | Importance | 3,88 |
1.A.4.b | Clarté de la parole / Speech Clarity | Importance | 3,75 |
1.A.4.a | Près de la vision / Near Vision | Importance | 3,75 |
1.A.4.b | Reconnaissance de la parole / Speech Recognition | Importance | 3,62 |
1.A.1.c | Raisonnement mathématique / Mathematical Reasoning | Importance | 3,25 |
1.A.1.e | Flexibilité de la fermeture / Flexibility of Closure | Importance | 3,25 |
1.A.1.g | Attention sélective / Selective Attention | Importance | 3,12 |
1.A.1.c | Nombre d'installations / Number Facility | Importance | 3 |
1.A.1.b | La maîtrise des idées / Fluency of Ideas | Importance | 3 |
1.A.1.b | Originalité / Originality | Importance | 3 |
1.A.1.e | Vitesse perceptuelle / Perceptual Speed | Importance | 3 |
1.A.4.a | Vision extrême / Far Vision | Importance | 2,88 |
1.A.1.g | Partage de temps / Time Sharing | Importance | 2,75 |
1.A.4.a | Discrimination visuelle de couleur / Visual Color Discrimination | Importance | 2,75 |
1.A.2.a | Dextérité des doigts / Finger Dexterity | Importance | 2,62 |
1.A.1.e | Vitesse de fermeture / Speed of Closure | Importance | 2,62 |
1.A.1.d | Mémorisation / Memorization | Importance | 2,62 |
1.A.1.f | Visualisation / Visualization | Importance | 2,25 |
1.A.4.b | Sensibilité auditive / Hearing Sensitivity | Importance | 2,12 |
1.A.4.b | Attention auditive / Auditory Attention | Importance | 2,12 |
1.A.2.a | Maintien de la main / Arm-Hand Steadiness | Importance | 2 |
1.A.2.a | Dextérité manuelle / Manual Dexterity | Importance | 2 |
1.A.2.b | Précision de contrôle / Control Precision | Importance | 2 |
1.A.4.a | Perception de la profondeur / Depth Perception | Importance | 2 |
T2Type | T2Example | CommodityTitle |
Tools | Absorption tubes | Chromatography tubing |
Tools | Atomic absorption AA spectrophotometers | Atomic absorption AA spectrometers |
Tools | Autoclaves | Steam autoclaves or sterilizers |
Tools | Automated centrifuges | Benchtop centrifuges |
Tools | Automated deoxyribonucleic acid DNA sequencers | Deoxyribonucleic sequence analyzers |
Tools | Balances | Laboratory balances |
Tools | Beta counters | Beta counters |
Tools | Binocular light compound microscopes | Binocular light compound microscopes |
Tools | Blenders | Laboratory blenders or emulsifiers |
Tools | Blood gas machines | Blood gas analyzers |
Tools | Bomb calorimeters | Calorimeters |
Tools | Bone ultrasound densitometers | Medical ultrasound bone densitometers |
Tools | Capillary electrophoresis equipment | Instrumentation for capillary electrophoresis |
Tools | Carbon dioxide CO2 incubators | Dry wall single chamber carbon dioxide incubators |
Tools | Cell disruptors | Ultrasonic disintegrators |
Tools | Centrifuges | Benchtop centrifuges |
Tools | Chemistry analyzers | Chemistry analyzers |
Tools | Chromatographic tubes | Chromatography tubing |
Tools | Coagulation machines | Coagulation analyzers |
Tools | Cold vapor atomic absorption spectrophotometers | Spectrophotometers |
Tools | Colorimeters | Colorimeters |
Tools | Computerized axial tomography CAT scanners | Medical computed tomography CT or CAT scanners or tubes |
Tools | Confocal microscopes | Scanning light or spinning disk or laser scanning microscopes |
Tools | Coulter counters | Manual or electronic hematology differential cell counters |
Tools | Crossflow filtration systems | Laboratory filtration hardware or accessories |
Tools | Cuvettes | Cuvettes |
Tools | Cyclotrons | Mobile or transportable medical linear accelerators |
Tools | Deoxyribonucleic acid DNA synthesizers | Complementary deoxyribonucleic acid cDNA synthesis kits |
Tools | Desktop computers | Desktop computers |
Tools | Developing tanks | Thin layer chromatography tanks |
Tools | Differential cell counters | Manual or electronic hematology differential cell counters |
Tools | Electrical conductivity meters | Conductivity meters |
Tools | Electrocardiography EKG machines | Electrocardiography EKG units |
Tools | Electron microscopes | Electron microscopes |
Tools | Electrophoresis power systems | Electrophoresis system power supplies |
Tools | Erlenmeyer flasks | Laboratory flasks |
Tools | Fermenters | Standard fermentation units |
Tools | Filter funnels | Laboratory funnels |
Tools | Fixed-angle microfuges | Microcentrifuges |
Tools | Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometers | Spectrophotometers |
Tools | Flame photometers | Photometers |
Tools | Flasks | Laboratory flasks |
Tools | Flow cytometers | Microbiology analyzers |
Tools | Fourier Transform IR spectrophotometers | Spectrophotometers |
Tools | Fume hoods | Fume hoods or cupboards |
Tools | Gamma counters | Gamma counters |
Tools | Gas chromatographs GC | Gas chromatographs |
Tools | Gel documentation systems | Gel documentation systems |
Tools | Gel dryers | Gel dryers |
Tools | Gel electrophoresis boxes | Gel boxes |
Tools | Glassware washers | Laboratory washing machines |
Tools | Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometers | Spectrophotometers |
Tools | Heat lamps | Laboratory heaters |
Tools | Heating blocks | Dry baths or heating blocks |
Tools | Hematology analyzers | Hematology analyzers |
Tools | High-pressure liquid chromatographs | High pressure liquid chromatograph chromatography |
Tools | High-resolution functional magnetic resonance imaging MRI equipment | Medical magnetic resonance imaging MRI scanners |
Tools | High-speed centrifuges | Benchtop centrifuges |
Tools | Homogenizers | Homogenizers |
Tools | Hot air ovens | Laboratory mechanical convection ovens |
Tools | Hot plates | Laboratory hotplates |
Tools | Incubators | Forced air or mechanical convection general purpose incubators |
Tools | Ion chromatographs | Ion chromatographs |
Tools | Laboratory evaporators | Laboratory evaporators |
Tools | Laminar flow hoods | Laminar flow cabinets or stations |
Tools | Laptop computers | Notebook computers |
Tools | Laser printers | Laser printers |
Tools | Liquid handling robots | Robotic or automated liquid handling systems |
Tools | Magnetic stirrers | Magnetic stirrers |
Tools | Mainframe computers | Mainframe computers |
Tools | Mass spectrometers | Mass spectrometers |
Tools | Measuring cylinders | Laboratory graduated cylinders |
Tools | Medical magnetic resonance imaging MRI equipment | Medical magnetic resonance imaging MRI scanners |
Tools | Mercury analyzers | Chemistry analyzers |
Tools | Microarrayer scanners | Robotic or automated liquid handling systems |
Tools | Microdiffusion dishes | Petri plates or dishes |
Tools | Microplate readers | Microplate readers |
Tools | Microscope/video camera stations | Videoscopes |
Tools | Nuclear magnetic resonance NMR spectroscopes | Nuclear magnetic resonance NMR spectrometers |
Tools | Pasteur pipettes | Pasteur or transfer pipettes |
Tools | Peptide synthesizers | Hematology or chemistry mixers |
Tools | Personal computers | Personal computers |
Tools | Petri dishes | Petri plates or dishes |
Tools | pH meters | pH meters |
Tools | Pipettes | Dropping pipettes |
Tools | Plate washers | Microplate washers |
Tools | Positron emission tomography PET scanners | Medical positron emission tomography PET units |
Tools | Powder funnels | Laboratory funnels |
Tools | Recording spectrophotometers | Spectrophotometers |
Tools | Refrigerated centrifuges | Refrigerated benchtop centrifuges |
Tools | Refrigerated swinging bucket centrifuges | Refrigerated benchtop centrifuges |
Tools | Rotary evaporators | Vacuum or rotary evaporators |
Tools | Scintillation counters | Liquid scintillation counters |
Tools | Selective ion meters | Ion selective electrode ISE meters |
Tools | Shaking incubators | Shaking incubators |
Tools | Speed vacs | Vacuum or centrifugal concentrators |
Tools | Spray atomizers | Laboratory sprayers |
Tools | Steam distillation apparatus | Extracting equipment for laboratories |
Tools | Tabletop centrifuges | Benchtop centrifuges |
Tools | Thermal cyclers | Temperature cycling chambers or thermal cyclers |
Tools | Thin layer chromatography equipment | Thinlayer chromatographs |
Tools | Thin layer chromatography plates | Microplates |
Tools | Ultracentrifuges | Ultracentrifuges |
Tools | Ultralow freezers | Ultra cold or ultralow upright cabinets or freezers |
Tools | Ultrasound imaging scanners | Medical ultrasound or doppler or pulse echo or echography units for general diagnostic use |
Tools | Ultraviolet UV crosslinkers | Ultraviolet crosslinkers |
Tools | Ultraviolet-Visible UV/VIS spectrophotometers | Spectrophotometers |
Tools | Volumetric flasks | Laboratory flasks |
Tools | Vortex mixers | Vortex mixers |
Technology | Adobe Systems Adobe Photoshop | Graphics or photo imaging software |
Technology | BioArray Software Environment BASE | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Database software | Data base user interface and query software |
Technology | ESRI ArcGIS software | Map creation software |
Technology | FileMaker Pro | Data base user interface and query software |
Technology | Integrated development environment IDE software | Development environment software |
Technology | LexisNexis | Information retrieval or search software |
Technology | Linux | Operating system software |
Technology | Medical Scientists HybridAI | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Medical Scientists MediSave | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Microsoft Excel | Spreadsheet software |
Technology | Microsoft Office | Office suite software |
Technology | Microsoft PowerPoint | Presentation software |
Technology | Microsoft Visual Basic | Development environment software |
Technology | Microsoft Word | Word processing software |
Technology | Minitab | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | National Instruments LabVIEW | Development environment software |
Technology | PerkinElmer TurboMass | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Presentation software | Presentation software |
Technology | Python | Object or component oriented development software |
Technology | R | Object or component oriented development software |
Technology | SAS | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Spreadsheet software | Spreadsheet software |
Technology | SPSS | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | StataCorp Stata | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Statistical software | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | The MathWorks MATLAB | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Thermo ToxLab | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Triple G ULTRA Laboratory Information System | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | UNIX | Operating system software |
Technology | Waters eLab Notebook | Data base user interface and query software |
Technology | Waters Empower 2 | Data base user interface and query software |
Technology | Waters MassLynx | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Waters Millennium32 | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Waters Q-DIS/QM LIMS | Analytical or scientific software |
Technology | Word processing software | Word processing software |
Element ID | Interêt (FR / EN) | ScaleName | DataValue |
1.B.1.a | Réaliste / Realistic | Niveau | 4,33 |
1.B.1.b | Investigatrice / Investigative | Niveau | 7 |
1.B.1.c | Artistique / Artistic | Niveau | 4,33 |
1.B.1.d | Social / Social | Niveau | 4 |
1.B.1.e | Entreprenant / Enterprising | Niveau | 1,67 |
1.B.1.f | Conventionnel / Conventional | Niveau | 2,33 |
1.B.1.g | Premier intérêt High-Point / First Interest High-Point | Niveau | 2 |
1.B.1.h | Deuxième intérêt High-Point / Second Interest High-Point | Niveau | 1 |
1.B.1.i | Troisième intérêt High-Point / Third Interest High-Point | Niveau | 3 |
Choisir une formation qui vous convient, c'est penser déjà à votre carrière envisagé. Notre module d'orientation vous expose un test d'orientation, une liste de 1100 métiers, et une liste de 250 formations
Le personnel enseignant, administratif et technique est disponible pour vous offrir les meilleurs conseils d'orientation
Le savoir est offert par l'Université. Le savoir faire s'acquiert par l'expérience. Le savoir être dépend de votre personnalité.